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Adult Ed: A Rabbinic Debate about Slavery on the Eve of the Civil War

Thursday, March 14, 2024 4 Adar II 5784

8:30 PM - 9:30 PMVirtual

Presented by Dr. Michah Gottlieb, New York University. As civil war loomed, President James Buchanan designated January 4, 1861 as a national day for fasting and prayer. That day Rabbi Morris Raphall of Congegration B’nai Jeshurun in Manhattan gave a sermon arguing that a civil war should not be waged over slavery since slavery was a biblically sanctioned institution. The Baltimore Rabbi David Einhorn responded with an essay excoriating Raphall for his terrible misunderstanding of the Bible. Does the Bible consider slavery legitimate? In this session, we’ll explore a rabbinic debate over this question.

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